Congratulations on an awesome first week of school and our first Saturday practice! A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the parents who donated and helped this week with lunch, uniforms, merchandise orders, and prop building. Thank you to all the students who played on the first day of school (that feels like a month ago). Great improvement in all the rehearsals this week – including Jazz Ensemble! We have a busy week with our first Home Football Game this Friday 8/23 and rehearsal this Saturday 8/24 from 9AM-5PM. Eat at “Kebab Shop” anytime from 10:30AM-9:00PM and 50% will be donated back to the program when you show the flyer!

ALL STUDENTS: Wear your 2024 field show shirt to school on Friday! For the football game, wear your show shirt and athletic shoes. Band members wear jeans and guard members wear black leggings. This should be the same attire as the Band Camp Preview Concert. Please see below for more detailed information about the football game and the full itinerary.

Thank you to everyone who came to our kick-off Booster Parent Meeting this past Tuesday! We had a huge turn out and are gearing up for an incredible year. It’s not too late to become an official Booster Member and get a 2024 field show shirt and drawstring bag. If you wear your show shirt and VOLUNTEER this Friday, you get in FREE to the football game. Our next Booster Meeting is Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30PM in the Band Room!

PARENTS: We need your help on Friday with concessions, merchandise, and pushing on/off equipment for the field show. On Saturday, we need help with lunch and another prop building party! No experience is required, and we will show you exactly what to do. Please click below to sign up for one, two, or all three areas!

1ST HOME FOOTBALL GAME THIS FRIDAY 8/23 — This Friday, August 23rd is our first Home Football Game vs Valley Christian HS! At halftime, the students will be performing part of Movement 1 of our 2024 field show production. Attendance at all rehearsals is extremely important to ensure that we are able to have our best performance possible. This week, we will be working on the Star-Spangled Banner, pep tunes, and Movement 1 of the field show. All band students will need to have a flip folder ($10) and music lyre ($10) to play pep tunes at the game. THE GAHR MARCHING GLADIATORS ALWAYS STAY UNTIL THE END OF THE GAME TO CHEER AND SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL AND OUR FOOTBALL TEAM!

SENIORS: We will be taking photos for senior vinyl banners this Tuesday 8/20 at 4:30PM (following sectionals). Please click here to buy for the Senior Banner online, or print and turn in this form along with $40 cash. For the photo, band students wear their full uniform (bring your compression shirt/shorts) and color guard students wear their black warm ups.

POPCORNOPOLIS FUNDRAISEROur annual Popcornopolis fundraiser is now underway! EACH FAMILY MUST SELL A MINIMUM OF SEVEN (7) BAGS OF POPCORN. All profit from bags sold thereafter (50% of the cost) go to students’ accounts. This is a great way to raise money for marching band, the 605 All-Star Band, or get ahead on Winter Guard or Indoor Percussion! As a bonus, the student who sells the most Popcornopolis will win a $50 Visa Gift Card!

ALL ORDER FORMS & MONEY ARE DUE BY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD. Please click here for a PDF of the fundraising brochure that was handed out to the students. If you prefer to opt-out of this fundraiser and just turn in the $35 of profit, please click here.

  • Sell a minimum of seven (7) bags

  • Write your name on the top of your order form

  • Collect money when taking orders

  • Promote to family, friends, coworkers & social-media circle to maximize sales

  • Make all checks payable to “Gahr Band Boosters” (please have them write your name on the memo line of the check)

It typically takes three weeks for the Popcornopolis orders to arrive. It is the students’ responsibility to distribute orders to the people they sold to once it arrives.

JAZZ ENSEMBLE UPDATE — Fantastic work this past week Jazz Ensemble! Please continue working on the charts that were handed out. We will be together again this week as one giant jazz band. This Monday will be rhythm section only (drums, piano, guitar, bass) and on Tuesday it will be wind sections only (trumpets, trombones, and saxophones).

This is your last chance if you want to join! Jazz Ensemble counts for honors credit and rehearses zero period on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. We are still looking for more trumpet and trombone players (especially upperclassmen). Don’t miss out!

IMPORTANT REHEARSAL THIS SATURDAY 8/24 — We have rehearsal again this Saturday, August 24th from 9AM-5PM. Please make sure you eat a good breakfast and arrive 15-20 minutes early. We will be covering a lot of new material and will be learning more drill. Please bring $5 for lunch. PARENTS: We need help with lunch and prop building. Click here to sign up!

Just a reminder, students must wear a hat, athletic clothes, athletic/tennis shoes (no sandals or converse), sunscreen, and bring a 1-gallon water jug. You may keep these items in the Band Room and change at lunch or after school. Hydrate 24 hours ahead of time, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, and get plenty of rest. Wash your hands frequently so we don’t spread germs. Stay on top of your homework and manage your time effectively.

2ND DONATION PAST DUEThe 2nd Marching Band donation of $150 was due Friday, August 16th. This is crucial for us to be able to pay for instructors, production costs, competition fees, and more. We accept cash, checks made payable to “Gahr Band Boosters,” or you can click here to pay online with a credit card. Please communicate with Mr. Loney if you have any financial issues.

MARCHING BAND & COLOR GUARD ORDER FORMS PAST DUEAll order forms and payment for the band and color guard are past due.

There are three payment options for both forms:

  1. Cash (please turn in with physical order form)

  2. Check made payable to “Gahr Band Boosters” (turn in with physical order form)

  3. Pay online through the website (and still turn in physical order form)
    Please enter the grand total as the quantity amount.

REQUIRED ITEMS FOR BANDIn addition to the black marching shoes and the black Gahr Marching Gladiators hoodie, ALL BAND STUDENTS WILL NEED A BLACK SLEEVELESS COMPRESSION T-SHIRT, BLACK COMPRESSION SHORTS, AND LONG BLACK SOCKS. You can find these items even cheaper at Big 5 Sporting Goods.

At rehearsals, all students must wear a hat, athletic clothes, athletic/tennis shoes (no sandals or converse), sunscreen, and bring a 1-gallon water jug. You may keep these items in the Band Room and change at lunch or after school. Continuing to hydrate 24 hours ahead, eat breakfast & lunch, and get plenty of rest.

BAND JACKET — Get your official Gahr Marching Gladiators Band Jacket! Jackets are $135.00 each. We accept checks to “Gahr Band Boosters” or cash. Please fill out a separate order form for each jacket you order. THE DEADLINE IS THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 23RD. Click here to download the jacket order form.

ASB CARD & TRANSPORTATION — All students need to purchase an ASB card and pay for transportation. When you buy these items together it only cost $120 total ($60 for the ASB card and $60 for transportation). Parents or students can pay for this at the finance office during school hours.

ALL NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS must fill out the 2024-25 Band Registration & Participation Form. Please have a parent or guardian fill this out with the student. This takes about 10 minutes to complete and is crucial for us to get off to a good start.

ATHLETIC CLEARANCE PAST DUE — All NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS must complete their athletic clearance to be admitted into the band or color guard. Here are the steps:

STEP 1 - Get a physical exam. You need to print and bring the Physical Evaluation Form for the physician to fill out. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use a walk-in clinic instead of scheduling this with your doctor. Anderson Chiropractic Care does athletic physicals for $20 cash and can be reached at (714) 952-0673.

STEP 2 - Take a photo of the form. Click here for instructions on how to use your iPhone as a document scanner.

STEP 3 - Register and upload your form on the Family ID website:

TWO GREAT WAYS TO FUNDRAISE — Use the fundraisers below to raise money for your marching band donations! This can also go towards Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion. This is the BEST TIME to do it before we get busy with school starting.

  • Field Show Program Ads - Earn 90% of the profit from all field show ad sales. The ad prices range from $25 to $175. Many local businesses are looking for ways to advertise to the community. See Mr. Loney to get a past field show program that you can use as an example when selling ads.

  • Student Sponsorship Letter - 100% of the money sponsorships goes directly to your student account. These take a few hours to complete and mail out, but the return on investment is HUGE if you can make $400-500! This is a great way your family and loved ones can help support.

SIGN UP FOR REMIND ANNOUNCEMENTS — Please sign up by your student’s grade level. This is our primary method of communication for both students and parents.

FRESHMEN: Text "@gahr2028" TO: 81010
SOPHOMORES: Text "@gahr2027" TO: 81010
JUNIORS: Text "@music2026" TO: 81010
SENIORS: Text "@music2025" TO: 81010

**STUDENTS ONLY — Please sign up to use “Slack” for important rehearsal communication:


7:17AM Jazz Ensemble (rhythm section only – drumset, piano, bass, guitar)
3:40-6:00PM Winds, Front Ensemble, and Color Guard rehearsal
(visual focus)
6:00-9:00PM Battery rehearsal

7:17AM Jazz Ensemble (winds only – saxes, trumpets, and trombones)
10:30AM-9:00PM Kebab Shop Fundraiser ALL DAY!
3:35-4:30PM Optional sectionals
(memorize Star-Spangled Banner and Mvt. 1 top-G)
4:30PM Senior Band & Color Guard photos

AFTER SCHOOL: Do your homework, eat dinner, and keep hydrating.
5:00PM Set up for rehearsal
5:30-8:30PM Rehearsal in stadium
(visual focus)

3:40-6:00PM Rehearsal at practice field
(music focus – final prep for game)

7:17AM Jazz Ensemble
Periods 4/5/6 – Review for football game performance

After school — Change and eat dinner (not provided). Wear field show shirt and athletic shoes. Band students wear jeans and Color Guard students wear black leggings.
5:15PM STUDENT CALL TIME (winds pep tunes & battery cadence)
6:20PM Walk to stadium as a group (bring water jug, flip folder & lyre)
6:45PM Star-Spangled Banner & Fight Song (pre-game)
7:00PM Home Football Game vs. Valley Christian HS
8:00PM Half-time performance
9:30PM Approximate game end time*
9:45PM Walk back to Band Room
10:00PM Approximate dismissal*
*The end time of a football game varies. The Gahr Marching Gladiators always stay until the end of the game to support our school and team. Please have your student call you for pick-up time or check Remind for updates.

Prop Building Party!
All parents welcome – no experience needed.
Hydrate and eat a good breakfast.
Wear athletic clothes/shoes and hat. Bring your dot book, pencil, 1-gallon water jug, and $5 for lunch.
7:45AM Band Room open
8:59AM-12:30PM Rehearsal Block 1
12:30-1:30PM Lunch (bring $5)
1:30-5:00PM Rehearsal Block 2

FUNDRIVE CLOTHING DRIVE 9/28 — SAVE THE DATE – Our FUNDrive clothing donation event will be Saturday, September 28th! Clean out your closets and help raise money for the program. WE ARE ASKING FOR EACH FAMILY TO PLEASE DONATE AT LEAST THREE (3) KITCHEN-SIZED TRASH BAGS OF CLOTHING/BEDDING. We will be raffling off gift cards to the students who donate the most!


