Good evening Gahr Band & Color Guard families,

I hope this email finds you well. This Wednesday, April 29th, we will be having a *virtual* Band Booster Meeting at 6:00PM via Zoom (check your email). Recognizing the uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic and campus closure, we will be discussing tentative plans through the end of the school year, summer practices and band camp, and the fall season. We will also have online elections for our 2020-21 Executive Board and discuss possible fundraisers and virtual events we could still run. Lastly, we will brainstorm ideas to recognize our students and graduating seniors without a physical banquet. Although this meeting is mostly geared towards parents and our booster organization, students are welcome to listen in!

The staff and I are hoping for the best and have been making preparations for a normal 2020 fall season. We will be announcing our 2020 field show production this Friday, May 1st at 6:00PM! This is the link for the show announcement video via Youtube Premiere:

Gahr is currently signed up for the following competitions:
10/3 Mission Viejo Tournament (WBA)
10/10 Mayfair Field Tournament (CSBC)
10/24 University Field Tournament (CSBC)
11/7 Gahr Invitational Tournament (CSBC)
 11/14 Trabuco Hills Tournament (WBA)
11/21 Western Band Association Class Championships (WBA)
11/22 Western Band Association Grand Championships (WBA)

This will be Gahr's first time competing in WBA Championships, and we are counting on our vet students to lead by example and pick up where we left off! Next week we will have a separate Zoom meeting for students, including information about leadership positions and ensemble auditions.

Musically yours,
Mr. Loney
