For many of you, this was supposed to be your child’s first experience with high school music, and all of the “firsts” we would normally associate with it. Even if you’re a veteran of this “music thing,” each and every year brings about lessons learned anew. That is part of what makes this activity so special. Although COVID has changed things, music kids are used to adapting and changing on the fly.

Yes, both veteran and new parents alike get excited as the school year begins and your child gets to experience their special “firsts”:

  • First time putting on a uniform

  • First time performing in front of a crowd

  • First time under the stadium lights

It will also likely be full of some not-so-special firsts:

  • First time performance jitters

  • First time a freshman cries out of fear and another out of joy!

There are also firsts for you as parents:

  • First time you tear up at seeing your child perform

  • First time you burst with pride at your child’s achievements

  • First sigh of relief that your son or daughter is surrounded by “good kids”

Regardless of what COVID brings, I am committed to these things, even if they are different. Music matters. Your child matters. Join us in finding new and different “first” experiences while we work through this together, in a safe way, and as a team.

Yes, for all of us, this August will be full of firsts, but not “lasts.” I encourage you to sit back, enjoy, and try to take it all in — let’s show our kids that different doesn’t mean bad.

Regardless of what happens, revel in the fact we are back to making music. Revel at how far your child has come since first starting. Revel in how they may have wanted to quit but they didn’t. Revel in the late nights and early mornings. And revel in the fact that they are making music.

This year won’t be what we thought it would be, but it will be special! Even though things are different, it sure beats the alternative: kids who have nothing to do, no friends to do it with, and no music in their lives!

Thank you for being the guardian that you are. Now, go enjoy your “firsts.”


Mr. Darren Loney
Director of Bands


