Gahr Band and Color Guard Families,

Welcome to the Gahr Instrumental Music Program! My name is Mr. Darren Loney, and I am the Director of Bands at Gahr High School. Gahr has one of the strongest and most well-rounded music programs in Southern California, and we are fortunate to work with some of the best instructors in the country. I am so excited for you to be a part of the program!

First off, congratulations to our incoming freshmen on their 8th grade promotion, and to everyone for making it through the last semester of remote learning. At some point in the last few months, you probably missed hanging out in the band room, playing music in the same room as your friends, or performing in front of a live audience. And even though sleeping in and playing video games has had its moments, you probably joined this activity because you’re the type of person who likes to set high standards and challenge yourself. The good news is that it will only get better from this point onward!

While we’ve been away from campus, a lot of research has been done to learn how COVID-19 may spread in musical activities. Every study has shown that there is no added risk when performing on an instrument. In fact, the world-famous Vienna Philharmonic recently held their first concert since the lockdown. CBDNA, NFHS, NAfME, the NAMM Foundation, and over 100 performing arts organizations are supporting a scientific study that will be released in early July.

We now have national guidelines for sports and marching band. The most recent document was just released from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFSH) and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). Throughout the country, many marching bands have already begun summer rehearsals. The good news is that we will be able to learn from these other groups and copy their best practices! Please familiarize yourself with the national recommendations for Phase 2 of reopening:

  1. Daily screening for signs/symptoms of COVID-19, including a temperature check

  2. Students will not share instruments, drumsticks, mallets, or any other equipment.

  3. Equipment and surfaces will be disinfected after every rehearsal.

  4. Students and staff must maintain at least six feet of distance from all sides when not actively practicing. When actively rehearsing, students and staff should maintain at least ten feet of distance from all sides when possible.

  5. Indoor rehearsals and practices will be conducted with a reduced room capacity.

  6. All students will bring their own water bottle. Water bottles will not be shared.

  7. Students must take home water bottles, clothing, hats, and towels every day.


As of right now, there are no changes to our rehearsal or performance schedule. No football games or field show competitions have been canceled. In fact, during the time we’ve been quarantined, we have actually increased the number of groups registered for the Gahr Invitational Field Tournament to twenty-five bands – the most we will have ever hosted! That being said, many decisions regarding the season will be made mid-July, and we will continue to keep you updated.

Out of an abundance of caution, we will hold our July mini-camps online through Zoom, and have tentatively set our first in-person rehearsals for August. This will give us extra time to make sure everyone knows the daily procedures for in-person rehearsals, as well as to get additional information from CIF and the marching band circuits.

So now what? That means it’s time to dust off your equipment and start practicing! Go for a jog or bike ride. Eat better and drink more water. Devote a minimum of one hour per day to getting better at your craft. It’s time to get to work. You are in the driver’s seat and it’s up to you to make the most of this coming year!


New Student/Parent Meeting
Wednesday, July 1 at 6:30PM via Zoom

Equipment Check-Out
Monday, July 6 from 10AM-2PM

Mini-Band Camp (online)
July 7-9 from 2-5PM

Mini-Band Camp (online)
July 21-23 from 2-5PM

Band Camp (in-person, tentative)
August 3-7 from 8:30AM-5PM

Band Camp (in-person, tentative)
August 10-14 from 8:30AM-5PM

Band Camp (in-person, tentative)
August 17-21 from 8:30AM-5PM

Family Beach Bonfire (tentative)
August 21from 6-9PM


Mini-Band Camp is for all students and will be taking place ONLINE starting Tuesday, July 7th. We will have break out rooms for winds, percussion, and color guard. Please make sure you have a reliable internet connection, access to Zoom, and your instrument/equipment. Because we did not have workshops or auditions, attendance is required in order to secure your spot in the field show.

Band Camp is for all students and is tentatively IN-PERSON starting Monday, August 3rd. As we get closer, we will have detailed procedures that are aligned with the national and district guidelines for marching band practice. We are still on track to perform shortly after school starts; attendance at Band Camp is critical to our success. Please make sure you’ve completed the Band Registration and Participation Agreement and have turned in the 1st Donation of $150. Please communicate with me if you have any difficulty with this financial obligation.



Please complete each action item listed below so we can get off to a smooth start.



All new and returning students must fill out the Band Registration and Participation Agreement. Since we were unable to have workshops, this tells me that you are in the program and helps me contact you with important information.



All students need to sign up for the new “Marching Band” course on Google Classroom using the class code: ppjhupg. This is for all sections in the band: woodwinds, brass, percussion, and color guard. We will be posting music, announcements, and assignments here.



The total student donation for the marching band is $525. Your donation helps cover major items such as instructional staff, equipment and instruments, uniform maintenance, production costs, and tournament entry fees. The deadline for the first donation of $150 is Monday, August 3rd.

We accept checks made to "Gahr Band Boosters," cash, or you can pay a donation online. The additional payments may be modified if we have reduced production costs or performances. However, this first donation is crucial to provide instruction for the mini-camps in July and tentative Band Camp in August. Please check out the Popcornopolis fundraiser listed below that can help you raise money!

In the event that we are not able to have a competitive field show season, this donation will be used to pay for instruction and music during the first semester. The bare-minimum plan for hybrid instruction would still include battery, front ensemble, brass, woodwind, and visual coaches on a weekly basis. This specialized instruction inspires students to keep at it, a valuable skill they can apply to their other classes.



There is a $35 Instrument & Equipment Donation for all winds players who need a school instrument, in addition to all the members of the battery, front ensemble, and color guard. For percussionists, this helps to cover "consumable" items such as drum heads and cables, and also ensures students have their own sticks or mallets. For color guard, this allows students to have their own flags and rifles. This donation is due no later than Tuesday, July 7th.

The Band Room will be open on Monday, July 6th from 10AM-2PM for any students who still need to borrow a school instrument or equipment. Please bring the $35 donation or pay online ahead of time. Thank you!



We use Remind as one of our primary methods of communication. This is especially important with the lack of face-to-face interaction. Simply text the message in the green bubble below to the phone number 81010. Please sign up using the grade you will be entering this coming school year.




We have an important New Student/Parent Meeting on Wednesday, July 1st at 6:30PM via Zoom. This is for all new wind, percussion, and color guard students and parents. We'll go through the Gahr Marching Gladiators Handbook and discuss important information about the Mini-Camps in July, Band Camp in August, and the fall schedule. Please spread the word to all your friends from 8th grade! No experience is required — just a positive attitude and strong work ethic.

Darren Loney is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: New Student/Parent Meeting
Time: Jul 1, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 4245 2901
Password: 8ZDRqU



We are once again pleased to feature gourmet popcorn from Popcornopolis! These products make great gifts and are equally welcome as everyday snacks. ALL FAMILIES MUST SELL A MINIMUM OF FIVE (5) BAGS (OR TURN IN $25 PROFIT). The profit from all bags sold thereafter (50% of the cost) go to students’ account. As a bonus, the student who sells the most bags will win a $50 Visa Gift Card!! This is a great way to raise money for your marching band donations. Popcornopolis comes vacuum sealed for freshness and safety!

  • Fundraiser kickoff: Tuesday, July 7th

  • Orders due: Wednesday, July 22nd

  • Sell a minimum of five (5) bags

  • Collect money when taking orders

  • Make checks payable to “Gahr Band Boosters”

  • Do not collect sales tax

  • Be sure to write the seller and organization name on the top of your order form

  • Promote to family, friends, coworkers & social-media circle to maximize sales

Popcornopolis is a family-owned business, committed to producing the world’s best popcorn. Their products carry a full 100% satisfaction guarantee, so we can sell with confidence. We are shooting for Popcornopolis orders to arrive the first day of Band Camp, Monday, August 3rd, and it is your responsibility to distribute popcorn to the people you sold to.



As wearing face masks has become a regular part of daily life, do your part to slow the spread of the virus while supporting the Gahr Marching Gladiators! This cotton mask is super comfortable and breathable. It is recommended that reusable face masks be washed daily, so consider getting enough for the week. Save money when you purchase a 3-pack!



In addition to email and remind, get the latest updates on our website, follow us on Instagram, and like us on Facebook!

INSTAGRAM: Follow us @gahrband


PHEW… You made it to the bottom! We are definitely in uncharted territory, but the good news is that we will all be together soon. This is going to be an exciting year, and you do not want to miss out on what’s to come!!


