“Band isn’t fun anymore!” This is the clarion call of October — and the pandemic isn’t helping. Gone are some of the funnest parts of our activities: trips, performances and competitions. I’m sure you have heard your child say it. If you haven’t, just wait; it’s likely coming soon! But don’t worry — it’s natural and almost predictable and part of the ebb and flow of any rigorous activity.

Yes, we missed out on the traditional start of the school year and the energy of new faces, new music, and typical start-of-school experiences have been replaced with the sometimes monotonous tasks of learning online with the mute button on. The repetition and grind associated with our new normal, combined with mounting academic pressures can sometimes take their toll. Add in other responsibilities associated with being a teenager, and your child might be right — band might not always be fun. Here’s a secret… It’s not supposed to always be fun. It’s supposed to be life-changing.

Speaking from my own life experience, except for the occasional trip to an amusement park, there is very little in my teenage life that was “fun” that I remember. I’m sure that going to the movies was fun, but I don’t remember what I saw. I guess that going out to lunch with my friends was fun, but I don’t remember where we went or what we ate. I’m positive that hanging out with my friends on a Saturday night was fun, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what we did. I don’t remember anything I did that was “fun,” but I DO remember being involved in band like it was yesterday! I remember the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, and the people I shared it with. I remember my time in music vividly.

Yes, maybe at this very moment, music isn’t “fun.” You know what music is?

Music is worthwhile. Music is character building. Music is memory making. Music is friendship building. Music is working hard with the same people, fighting through the bad days, and celebrating the good ones together. Music is life-changing — and your child will remember that.

Thanks for all you do to make your children successful, both in music and in all their other pursuits. Being a parent is hard. Being a parent in a pandemic is just flat-out ridiculous. But, you are doing a great job. You are making a difference in their lives.

Have a great month. Hang in there and let me know how I can help!


Mr. Loney


