We’re gearing up for a fantastic semester of performances, competitions, and our Hawaii band and color guard trip! Keep up the great work, and let’s make this an amazing 2023!!

Thank you to everyone who supported the program last week by going to 7 Leaves. Our first Wind Ensemble rehearsal is this Tuesday from 3:30-6PM. We will be reading our new festival music! On Thursday, we have Honor Band sectionals from 6:00-7:30PM (see below for your school site based on instrument). Winter Drumline has a camp this Saturday from 10AM-6PM. PARENTS – Please sign up to donate items and help with lunch on Sign Up Genius. Thank you!!

A huge congratulations to William Wu and Gabriel Dominguez on outstanding performances with their SCSOBA All Southern Honor groups this past weekend! Also, congratulations to the 37 students from Gahr High School who auditioned and made the 2023 ABCUSD Honor Band – highlighted below. Way to go!!

ABCUSD HONOR BAND — We are excited to have this year’s high school honor band under the direction of Dr. Gregory X. Whitmore from California State University, Fullerton! Please make sure you have the correct part assignments for all FOUR PIECES and you learn your music. There is a mandatory sectional this Thursday, January 26th from 6:00-7:30PM at the following school sites:
Flute/Oboe –
Artesia HS with Mr. Adame
Clarinets/Saxes/Bassoon – Cerritos HS with Mr. Reider
All Brass - Whitney HS with Mr. Clements
All Percussion – Gahr HS with Mr. Loney

There are three mandatory rehearsals that will take place at Whitney HS with Dr. Whitmore:
Monday, January 30th from 6:00-9:00PM
Tuesday, January 31st from 6:00-9:00PM
Monday, February 6th from 6:00-9:00PM

Winter Drumline is actively preparing for their first competition; however we will adjust the schedule so that honor band students have time to eat and travel to Whitney HS. We are also canceling the Wind Ensemble rehearsals on Tuesday 1/31 and Tuesday 2/7.

The ABCUSD Middle and High School Honor Band concert is on Tuesday, February 7th at 7:00PM at Whitney HS. This is a FREE CONCERT so invite your family and friends and come listen to some fantastic music and support our incredible student musicians!


SAVE THE DATE — Our first ever Drumline AND Guard Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser is Friday, February 17th! Come enjoy spaghetti with meatballs, a salad, a drink, and a cookie all for $8 pre-sale or $10 at the door. JV Guard, Varsity Guard, and Winter Drumline students can pre-sell tickets and earn 100% of the profit towards their account. Please help support our winter programs and let us take care of dinner for you!


BAND PLACEMENTS — All wind players in the program have been assigned to Concert Band (5th period) or Wind Ensemble (4th period). Wind Ensemble typically rehearses on Tuesdays from 3:30-6:00PM and Concert Band rehearses on Thursdays from 3:30-6:00PM. Both the Concert Band and Wind Ensemble are SUPERIOR LEVEL ensembles with the same standards, the main difference being that Wind Ensemble plays more challenging literature. For Concert Band, we will be combining all winds and percussion in the program for the performances, and some of the Concert Band literature will also be able to be used for the Hawaii trip.


INDOOR PERCUSSION — The 1st Donation of $200 is PAST DUE. This is important so we can pay for staff, costumes, and production costs. Please click here to download the information packet and payment schedule that was given out at the Parent/Student Meeting.


WINTER GUARD — The 1st Varsity Winter Guard Donation of $200 and 1st JV Winter Guard Donation of $150 is PAST DUE. This is important so we can pay for staff, costumes, and production costs. Please click here to download the information packet and payment schedule that was given out at the Parent/Student Meeting.


2023 WALL CALENDARS — We will have 2023 Gahr Marching Gladiators wall calendars available in stock! They’re filled with beautiful photos from our 2022 field show season and it’s a great way to support the program and relive those memories. Order one online and it can be set home with your son or daughter!



7:20AM Jazz Band — continue progress on new music
6th-6:00PM Winter Drumline rehearsal

7:20AM Jazz Band
6th-5:00PM JV Guard rehearsal
3:30-5:45PM Wind Ensemble rehearsal (winds only)
5:00-9:00PM Varsity Guard rehearsal

Wind sectionals after school
6:00-9:00PM Winter Drumline rehearsal

7:20AM Jazz Band
6th-5:00PM JV Guard rehearsal
5:00-9:00PM Varsity Guard rehearsal
6:00-7:30PM Honor Band Sectionals (arrive early and prepared):
Flute/Oboe — Artesia HS
Clarinet/Sax/Bassoon — Cerritos HS
Brass — Whitney HS
Percussion — Gahr HS

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Ticket Handout
7:20AM Jazz Band
6th-5:30PM Winter Drumline rehearsal
Take instruments home to practice.

10:00AM-6:00PM Winter Drumline Camp!
Bring $5 for fried chicken lunch :)


