Gahr will be marching in the 2025 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade as part of the “605 All-Star Band!” Out of hundreds of bands who auditioned last year, the 605 All-Star Band was the FIRST ONE CHOSEN by the selection committee! Being in the Rose Parade is a huge honor, and you’ll be performing on the world’s largest stage to over 50 million viewers. In addition to marching in the Tournament of Roses Parade, you will also be performing at Disneyland and the Tournament of Rose’s “Bandfest.”

Being in the 605 All-Star Band is OPTIONAL. There is a separate rehearsal schedule for the 605 All-Star Band and participation cost of $572. This breaks down to $375 to cover items such as the uniform/costume, shako wrap, music, flags, banners, and instruction, and $197 for Disneyland. We will be doing another Snap Raise to fundraise for this; however, the uniform deposit of $225 is due no later than Tuesday, June 25th.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and is only open to current high school students (including incoming freshmen) and recently graduated alumni that were part of the original audition video. If you are planning on participating, you must complete the following THREE STEPS:

STEP 1) Fill out the “605 All Star Band Member” form. If you do not do this, you will not be in the system to receive an invoice or have Snap Raise fundraising applied to your account.


STEP 2) WAIT TO RECEIVE AN INVOICE FROM THE 605 ALL-STAR BAND TREASURER, LESLIE WATKINS. Once you are emailed an invoice, pay the uniform deposit of $225. Please note that any money from Snap Raise will be applied to your account when you fill out the Google form. All payments are made directly to the “605 All Star Band” through Zelle:

You may also mail a check made payable to “605 All Star Band” to:
605 All Star Band
4067 Hardwick St.
P.O. Box 180
Lakewood, CA 90712

If you have specific questions about your statement, you can email the 605 All-Star Band Treasurer, Leslie Watkins, at 605allstarbandpayments@gmail.com.

STEP 3) Get sized for a custom uniform top (for band students) or custom color guard costume (for guard students). Students who attended the workshops were sized last Thursday during check-in. If you are an alumni or did not get sized, you can go to the Mayfair High School Band Room on Tuesday, June 25th at 6:30PM to be sized by one of their booster parents. If you are unable to make the sizing at Mayfair, please email Mr. Loney to see if you can get sized during one of our Wednesday night drumline practices or the color guard mini-camp.

PARENTS: If you would like more information or would like to ask any questions, Mr. Phillips will be running a final meeting on Tuesday, June 25th at 6:30PM in the Mayfair High School Band Room. You can also make a payment at the meeting and students can get sized for a uniform/costume.

The final deadline to have the form filled out, uniform deposit of $225 turned in, and be sized for a uniform/costume is Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Uniforms will be in production at the end of the month and you will not be able to join the 605 All-Star Band after that.

Get ready for the Best Day Ever!!


