Congratulations on an AWESOME first week of school and our first Saturday practice! A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the parents who helped with uniforms and lunch. Also, thank you to everyone who supported the program by getting ice cream on Thursday at Bruster’s. We have another busy week ahead with our Kick-Off Parent Booster Meeting on Tuesday, a Wind Ensemble performance on Wednesday at Niemes Elementary School, and Saturday rehearsal and prop building party! THIS WEEK, ALL WINDS, BATTERY, AND FRONT ENSEMBLE STUDENTS WILL NEED TO GET A SLEEVELESS, BLACK COMPRESSION SHIRT, BLACK COMPRESSION SHORTS, AND LONG, BLACK SOCKS. You can find these items at Big 5 Sporting Goods, Walmart, or on Amazon.

KICK-OFF BOOSTER MEETING THIS TUESDAY! — Please join us for our Kick-Off Booster Meeting this Tuesday, August 22nd at 6:30PM! We will have the meeting in Room 509 (near the temporary Band Room and where we served lunch on Saturday). This is a great time to get in the loop and get involved in what your student will be doing this year. See you there!!

It’s not too late to become an official Booster Member and get a 2023 field show shirt and a Gahr Marching Gladiators lanyard. If you wear your show shirt and volunteer, you get in FREE to home football games!

WIND ENSEMBLE AT NIEMES ELEMENTARY THIS WEDNESDAY — The Wind Ensemble winds will be performing this Wednesday, August 23rd at Niemes Elementary! Make sure you get your field trip form signed for periods 1 and 2. Please read below for all the info:

WHO: Wind Ensemble Winds + Sean and Johnny
WHAT: 4th Grade Assembly Performance at Niemes Elementary!
WHEN: Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 7:00AM call time
WHERE: Niemes Elementary — 16715 S Jersey Ave, Artesia, CA 90701
WHY: This is an amazing opportunity to get new students excited about band!! We’re partnering with one of our feeder elementary schools that will help with enrollment at Ross and Gahr.
WEAR: Field show shirt, blue jeans, and athletic shoes.

7:00AM Call time wearing show shirt and jeans. Carry instruments/equipment to gym parking lot.
7:15AM Load bus
7:30AM Depart for Niemes Elementary
7:45AM Arrive, unload and set up ASAP
8:15AM Warm up / sound check
8:30AM Assembly for 4th grade
9:30AM Pack up, load bus
10:00AM Depart for Gahr High School
10:15AM Arrive, unload ASAP
Study hall during band class period. You can use this to make up anything you missed periods 1 and 2.

- We will need some students to model each instrument by playing a short song.
- Songs: Fight Song, Cupid, As It Was, Seven Nation Army, Let Me Clear My Throat
- Jazz Band A will prep and run the tunes on Tuesday morning
- Take marching instruments, drum set, electric bass, piano, amps, and music stands.
- We will also need to bring the large Yamaha sound system, three long XLR cables, three microphones, and extension cords/power strips.

REHEARSAL THIS SATURDAY 8/26We have another important marching band rehearsal this Saturday, August 26th from 9AM-5PM. We will be covering A LOT of new material as we continue learning drill, music, and choreography. Make sure you always hydrate the day before. We will have lunch available for just $5.

PARENTS: We need your help with lunch and our first PROP BUILDING PARTY! No experience is required, and we can show you what to do. Please click here to sign up to help with lunch or the prop building party! If you’re able to help donate items, please click here to see our booster wish list.

JAZZ BAND A AND B — Great job Jazz Band A & B this past week! Because of the hurricane and possible flooding, we will not have zero period Jazz Band tomorrow (Monday). Other zero period classes and school is going ahead as normal. The Band Room 609/610 will be open early as a zone to stay dry. We will be finalizing who is in Jazz A and Jazz B this week to make sure both bands have good instrumentation. This is the last chance to invite a friend to join either group! We can still use more trombones and tenor saxes especially. Thanks!

REQUIRED ITEMSIn addition to the black marching shoes on the Marching Band order form, THIS WEEK, ALL WINDS, BATTERY, AND FRONT ENSEMBLE STUDENTS WILL NEED A BLACK SLEEVELESS COMPRESSION T-SHIRT, BLACK COMPRESSION SHORTS, AND LONG BLACK SOCKS. You can usually find these items at Big 5 Sporting Goods, Walmart, or on Amazon. We will be sizing students for band uniforms on Saturday, and you will need to bring these items so we can fit you correctly for a uniform.

Just a reminder that at rehearsals, all students must wear a hat, athletic clothes, athletic/tennis shoes (no sandals or converse), sunscreen, and bring a 1-gallon water jug. You may keep these items in the Band Room and change at lunch or after school. Hydrate 24 hours ahead of time, eat breakfast/lunch, and get plenty of rest.

2ND DONATION PAST DUEThe 2nd donation of $150 was due on Friday 8/4. We accept checks payable to “Gahr Band Boosters,” cash, or you can pay online. It is critical that all donations are turned in on time. We cannot pay our instructional staff, purchase materials for props, or register for competitions without your contribution. Please communicate with Mr. Loney or Mr. Miller if you have any issues.

BAND JACKET DEADLINE THIS THURSDAY — Get your official Gahr Marching Gladiators Band Jacket! Jackets are $135.00 each. We accept checks to “Gahr Band Boosters” or cash. Please fill out a separate order form for each jacket you order. THE DEADLINE IS THIS THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. Click here to download the jacket order form.

MARCHING BAND AND COLOR GUARD ORDER FORMS PAST DUE — There are several required items you will need to be in the marching band. Many of these items should be a one-time purchase that can be reused year after year. If you are in the winds or percussion sections, you will need a Gahr Marching Gladiators Hoodie and Black Drillmasters Marching Shoes. If you are in the color guard section, you will need ALL of the items listed on the color guard order form. All Marching Band Order Forms and Color Guard Order Forms are due this Friday, August 18th. There are three payment options for both forms:

  1. Cash (attached to order form)

  2. Check made payable to “Gahr Band Boosters” (attached to order form)

  3. Pay online through the website (and still turn in order form)
    Please enter the grand total as the quantity amount.

Always bring your instrument/equipment, a hat, athletic clothes/shoes, and water jug every day to rehearsals.
Rehearsals start and end at the scheduled time. Please allow up to 15-20 minutes after practice for students to put away equipment and walk back depending on the rehearsal location.

3:30-5:30PM Winds and Front Ensemble only
6:00-9:00PM Battery only (eat dinner and do HW after school)

6th Period-5:30PM Color Guard only

Study Hall/Grade Checks during class period
5:30-8:30PM Everyone (eat dinner and do HW after school)

3:30-6:00PM Everyone

9:00AM-5:00PM Everyone (bring $5 for lunch)

Click below for fliers and handouts that were given out at the Band Camp Parent/Student Meeting:

ATHLETIC CLEARANCE — All NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS must complete their athletic clearance to be admitted into the band or color guard. Here are the steps:

STEP 1: Get a physical exam. You need to bring a print out of Gahr’s Physical Evaluation Form for the doctor to fill out. It is highly recommended to use a walk-in clinic instead of scheduling this with your primary care physician.

STEP 2: Take a photo of the form. Click here for instructions on how to use your iPhone as a document scanner.

STEP 3: Register and upload your form on the Family ID website:

FUNDRIVE EVENT 9/9Clean out your closets for a good cause! We’re collecting men’s, women’s, and children’s clothes, shoes, coats, scarves, ties, belts, bedding, comforters, blankets, towels, linens, pillows, and more! Place donated items into 13-gallon kitchen trash bags. All items must be clean and in sellable condition. We’re asking each family to donate a minimum of three (3) bags.

DROP-OFF: Please drop off bags at Gahr High School on Saturday, September 9th from 9AM-2PM.

BONUS: We’ll be raffling off gift cards and will give out prizes to the students who donate the most!

TWO GREAT WAYS TO RAISE MONEY — Use the fundraisers below to raise money for your marching band donations! This can also go towards Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion. This is the BEST TIME to do it before we get busy with school starting.

  • Field Show Program Ads - Earn 90% of the profit from all field show ad sales. The ad prices range from $25 to $175. Many local businesses are looking for ways to advertise to the community. See Mr. Loney to get a past field show program that you can use as an example when selling ads.

  • Student Sponsorship Letter - 100% of the money sponsorships goes directly to your student account. These take a few hours to complete and mail out, but the return on investment is HUGE if you can make $400-500! This is a great way your family and loved ones can help support.


Band Room open early to stay out of the rain.
3:35-5:30PM Winds and Front Ensemble rehearsal
6:00-9:00PM Battery rehearsal

7:15AM Jazz Band A + B
6th-5:30PM Color Guard Rehearsal
3:35-4:30PM Optional Sectionals – Pass off Mvt. 1 Playing Test
6:30-7:30PM Kick-Off Booster Meeting! (Band Room)

7:00AM CALL TIME (Wind Ensemble Winds only)
8:30-9:30AM Performance at Niemes Elementary!
10:15AM Back at School
We will also be doing sizing for uniforms during the class period.

AFTER SCHOOL: Do your homework, eat dinner, and hydrate.
5:00PM Set up for rehearsal
5:30-8:30PM Rehearsal (everyone)

3:35-6:00PM Rehearsal (everyone)

7:15AM Jazz Band A + B
3:35-5:00PM Jazz Band A +B

Prop Building Party!
Hydrate and eat a good breakfast. Wear athletic clothes/shoes, hat. Bring water and $5 for lunch.
7:45AM Band Room open
8:59AM-12:00PM Rehearsal Block 1
12:00-1:00PM Lunch (bring $5)
1:00-5:00PM Rehearsal Block 2


